Enable dark mode for all websites with Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome

Dark mode is a popular topic now days. Almost every popular app, either desktop or mobile is offering users this possibility.

Many users are finding it useful, maybe even more settling for the eyes, while some don’t agree with it.


But most of these applications are offering the dark mode to the actual UI. For example, dark themes are out there for browsers like Chrome or Firefox for ages, but they only change a few elements of the UI, not the webpage itself.


Here is where Chromium engine comes in play and offer the possibility, with only one simple switch, to  view all your favorite websites in a dark mode.


Microsoft Edge


Open Microsoft Edge and type in the address bar edge://flags

In “Search for flags” bar type enable-force-dark

Set it to Enabled


Now, when you open a website, this will be shown in dark mode.


Google Chrome

Open Google Chrome and type in the address bar chrome://flags

In “Search for flags” bar type enable-force-dark


Set it to Enabled


Now when you open a website it will be shown in dark mode

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