As you probably know, starting with Windows 10, the Start Menu has been redesigned. How does that translate to shortcuts?
The first thing you will see is that you have a lot less folders inside the start menu, meaning that if you have an application with a folder structure like:
Main Application Shortcuts Folder
Shortcut 1
Shortcut 2
Shortcut 3
The Start Menu will only show the Main Application Shortcuts Folder and all three shortcuts inside it. There are no more subfolders.
There is a “workaround” regarding this, by creating a folder shortcut inside your Main Application Shortcuts folder. You can achieve this using VBScript:
FileName = "My Folder" Set shortcut = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").CreateShortcut(CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop") & + "\" + FileName + ".lnk") shortcut.Description = "My Folder" shortcut.TargetPath = "C:\Documents\Results" shortcut.Arguments = "/Arguments:Shortcut" shortcut.Save
However, when you will click on the folder, this will open up in explorer.exe, and not like a normal Start Menu folder.