While this is not a new topic, we all know that getting all Office add-ins installed on the machines of an infrastructure is a tricky topic. Microsoft released a new add-in inventory report for Configuration Manager back in 2017, but I didn’t wanted to use a mof file in my […]
When you are working in an infrastructure and want to gather information from multiple machines in a single file, somewhere on a sharepoint, you will encounter a major problem, and that is that you can’t write in a file from multiple machines at the same time. Even on your own […]
A few days ago I’ve stumbled across a situation where an MSIX application was decided to be removed from all users in the infrastructure. However, there were many versions of the applications and some users even had multiple architectures installed on the machine. To make things much easier and in […]
One main rule that is new in the software packaging world is the use of digital certificates with MSIX packages. MSIX package will not install if they are not digitally signed. Now, if you are just learning MSIX, or you don’t yet have a bought digital certificate, you can create […]
In a previous article we had a look on how you can set folder permissions by using VBScript and the Secedit tool which comes natively in the OS. But if you work in PowerShell, it doesn’t make sense to make a separate VBScript just to set permissions. PowerShell adds […]
In a world where we have so many cloud solutions for backup (like OneDrive, DropBox, Google Drive, etc), there might be still people like me who like to keep their personal files somewhere safe offline. Now, i usually keep my important files on a network attached storage, but for this […]
Do you need to add over and over again the same properties or summary information in your MSI/MSTs? I’ve developed a Powershell script in which you can configure a template (properties and summary information) and apply it to MSIs, already done MSTs or you can create an MST with this […]
In a previous blog post, I’ve posted a small VBScript that can change the summary information for an MSI or MST. But what if you want to use Powershell to achieve that? Well, here is the script As previously stated, each field you want to customize in the […]
I’ve come across some interesting scenarios during the years. One of them is that some clients want to retain the auto-update capabilities of a package. But in this case, you end up with a problem during uninstall because the Product Code of the main package, will be replaced during […]
Being a former web developer and working with some scripting languages during the years, i must say that Powershell makes it so easy to work with dates. Let’s see some code and tips&tricks for time and dates in Powershell. Get current date This returns the date in the […]
Task Scheduler is a powerful tool. Google, for example, with Chrome, uses it as an update checker once every few hours. If you have Chrome installed you can open up Task Scheduler and see that you have two schedules in it. You can use it in other scenarios, like […]
Let’s say you want to inform your users about something, but you need to know what they pressed, you need to have custom buttons, with tooltips, messages, sounds and so on. Fear not, you can achieve all of this with Powershell. As you can see, we have […]